Applications of PixelFlux: Nephrology

PixelFlux applications in nephrology

Numerous papers describe a variety of applications of PixelFlux in nephrology. Normal values for renal perfusion differential in subsequent layers of the renal cortex. A perfusion gradient from the central to the peripheral cortex exists. Chronic kidney disease can be correct aroused as a significant loss of peripheral perfusion. In children with diabetes such a loss of microvessels in the subcapsular region of the renal cortex could be demonstrated even before a microalbuminuria emerged.

In vesico--uretero reflux and reduction of renal cortical perfusion could be demonstrated in accordance to the grading of the reflux.

In renal transplants the cortical perfusion correlated significantly with criteria of the Banff classification.

The PixelFlux measurements can also be used to follow up an individual patient in order to detect very early a qualification of its renal disease. The degree of inflammation can be measured reliably. Treatment effects can be measured precisely.

It was demonstrated that in renal carcinoma the local parenchymal perfusion differs significantly from the neighbouring healthy renal tissue.

Another application of the PixelFlux technique is quantify cardiac output and the defect on renal perfusion.

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